August 31, 2016

Litterless Lunches @ Jackman

It's nearly back to school time and you know what that means... packing school lunches and snacks.  Ugh!   What can Jackman parents do to make kids’ lunches more eco friendly?   Here are some ideas to get you started…

1.  Start with a reusable lunch bag.

2.  Pack food in reusable containers.   Even juice/water goes in reusable containers.

3.  Reduce the use of store bought / packaged foods.  Pre-packaged, single-serving foods create so much waste.  

4. Reduce the use of disposables such as foil, plastic food wrap & plastic cutlery.  

5. More fresh fruits & veggies.  They can easily be cut into kid-friendly portions and placed in reusable containers.  

6.  Reuse ziploc bags.   

Food for thought - Packing a littlerless lunch not only reduces waste, it’s often a healthier, cost-saving option for school lunches.  Let’s be a community that makes responsible eco choices.