December 01, 2016

Waste-Free Wednesdays

Hey Jackman!  It’s your friendly neighbourhood eco team here.  We want to remind you about Jackman's #1 eco goal... MAKE LESS GARBAGE!  One way to accomplish this goal is to pack waste–free lunches and snacks.  So try to pack your food and drinks in reusable containers.  And try to reduce store-bought, individually wrapped lunch foods and snacks.  

We're excited about our new eco project, Waste-Free Wednesdays.  We hope that lots of Jackman kids and families will pack waste-free lunches, especially on Wednesdays.  You see, on Wednesdays in December, we will be counting how many waste-free lunches there are at Jackman.  We're on mission to find the most eco-friendly class.   

And get ready for this... the winning class will get a cookie party, featuring Mr. Cressman’s super-tasty, homemade, waste-free, chocolate-chip cookies.  Mmmmmmmm!

Packing waste-free lunches is a step in the right direction.  So, let's make it happen on Wednesdays (and everyday).  Just one more way we can MAKE LESS GARBAGE at Jackman.